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CDI Cabinet de groupe Dublin or Limerick (Irlande)
Référence de l'offre : 3684149


INSTITUTION: Private Dermatology clinics


LOCATION: Dublin and Limerick



  • Specialty Degree in Dermatology from mainland Europe or Specialty Degree in General Medicine with training and experience in Dermatology
  • Expertise in laser and Aesthetic Dermatology
  • English proficiency
  • Any level of experience



  • 40 hours/week
  • Accommodation will be offered for the first 6 months
  • Medical Malpractice Insurance provided
  • Salary complemented with a 10% commission
  • Interview on-site (the clinic will take care of the flight and hotel expenses)





  • Référence : 3684149
  • Date de publication : 03/03/2024

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